description: documentation of the resolved concept design is carried out to prepare the project for costing and construction. This involves detailing the design to a highly accurate level to ensure the concept is translated into its built form exactly as intended by the landscape architect. The construction drawings produced at this stage are considered just as integral as the drawings to build your house; all aspects of the design are documented so that they can be accurately built by the contractor. Further resolution and development of the design is an inherent part of this stage as inevitably issues will arise and appropriate solutions will need to be formulated. While OFTB do not undertake project management as such, during the construction phase our landscape architects remain available to provide ongoing advice and comment on issues of design.

output: A1 printed set of documentation drawings including master/hardworks/planting/setout/plans, sections, elevations, axonometric/construction details, plant schedule & landscape/building specification.

advise & comment: tendering of project to prospective contractors, co-ordinating lighting design & pool fencing, site meetings with chosen contractor, supervision of pool construction with other trades, co-ordinating engineering drawings, liasing with Council for permit requirements.

engineering: structural design/engineering required for identified structures will be contracted to a certified engineer or draftsman, these costs will be passed onto the client directly.

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